1. Implementation
Being the last week before the Pitch, it was time to combine the three departments together, IoT, Robotics and Multi-Agent.
The team started the week by following the sugestions made by robotics teacher of separating into differente nodes each agent, and have a master to provide the actions for each one of them, and help in terms of integration with JADE.
2. Scientific Article
Following previous weeks, with only the development, benchmarks and conclusion topics to be written, the team decided to address by the end of the week. In terms of development and benchmanks topics, the team refers each step taken in the datail, along the project, as well as the type of dataset and analysis taken with this challenge.
3. Week retrospective
Being this the last few days of development and implementation, these was an intense week, but as always, with team work and spirit, everything determined for this week was accomplished. The team ended the week with the three main departments working together and having a project ready to be presented.
For next week, the plan is to deliver the article and code for a preview of the teachers, and the preparation of the last pitch of this challenge.
See you next week!