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Week #8: That's A Wrap

Rui Oliveira

Updated: Apr 26, 2022

1. Demonstrations

On to the final week of the challenge, where the demonstrations take place and the team has the opportunity to showcase what has been worked on in the past few weeks.

Firstly, the technical demonstration took place, where the team made a brief demonstration of the technical side of the project, all the way from the model training to the recommendation engine and dialogue manager implementation, finishing with a short interaction with the digital sales assistant, showcasing how everything works.

Having received positive feedback in the technical demonstration, the team felt confident when going to demo day, the day where the entrepreneur side of the team comes above and the solution has to be sold to the teachers and fellow colleagues, having received equally positive feedback.

2. Team's Challenge Retrospective

Similar to the previous challenges, this one presented great complexity and required significant effort from the team in order to be completed with a degree of quality that met the team's own expectations and standards, in part set by the work in previous challenges.

The feedback received from the teachers and colleagues in this last week of the challenge has been very positive, with everyone generally agreeing that although the digital sales assistant may not replace the current recommendation systems in their entirety, it would be a very welcome alternative and may even convince people that were previously skeptical about e-commerce platforms.

Regarding the team's performance, it is a delight to see that the team managed to maintain the level of quality and dedication shown in the previous projects, demonstrating yet again the team's quality and spirit, while also showcasing the commitment to the vision set when this team was created: bringing the most innovative AI solutions to every store around the world.

Moving on to the master's degree, once again the quality of the course was demonstrated by both the professors and the students, with 9 very interesting projects being developed and presented to the scientific community, contributing to the continuous push in recognition of this brilliant master's degree.

Time for the exams now, with a short vacation period afterwards, where the team will have the opportunity to recharge some of its batteries and come back just as strong for the last challenge of the master's degree.

Until then, as usual, stay tuned, as we will continue to revolutionise your retail experience.

3. Individual Challenge Retrospectives

  • Eduardo Silva

Yet another challenge is completed. Yet another challenge with a level of complexity that can only leave the team proud of the final results and provide a sense of relief, now that the exams are right around the corner.

The bar has yet again been met, or even raised, demonstrating the spirit of this team and the continuous will to learn and improve, with the final product being one that every retail company out there would be interested in integrating with their e-commerce platforms.

As always, I hope the team maintains or even improves upon the work done on this challenge. With the next challenge being our last one, I expect the team to go out with a bang, with our biggest and most ambitious project yet, even though the next set of subjects may also be the most challenging one yet.

I have faith on this team, let's develop a project to be proud of, one last time!

  • Michel Silva

It was another challenge delivered by a united team that, like the other challenges, was always looking to give its best. Thank you team, thank you colleagues, thank you my friends.

As I said in other challenges, this one was no different, we were always focused on giving the best to the challenge, no matter how big our solution would be.

I believe that we delivered much more than what was requested, despite the time being so short and despite having practically a week less, since the first week practically did not count as a work stage.

Well, it was a great job, I still believe that this short challenge format is not the best format for my learning.

Let the next and last challenge come, let's finish big!

  • Miguel Costa

Another challenge done, another challenge successfully completed.

This was definitely the most complicated challenge to do, not only due to the complexity of the problem, but the time to implement the solution, it was 8 weeks of intense work, without vacation days as in the previous challenge.

With the accomplishment of this challenge, it was possible to enhance the knowledge obtained in the appropriate curricular units, so I am very satisfied, not only with the final result but also with the knowledge learned.

3/4 challenges done, let the last one come. :)

  • Rui Oliveira

This project follows the vibe of the last one, definitely intense weeks, short time, but the team handled it pretty well and proposed a solution with great capabilities to push a revolution in the retail market, when it comes to costumer and company relation.

Being a project that touches in a topic with so much importance as costumer satisfaction and confidence, it has legs to grow, with some new implementations, can change the way costumers look to E-Commerce, and approach these type of business as normal as physical ones.

Once again, I believe these type of proposed solutions can not only be used a in university level, but also become so much more, and start having impact in the real world, revolutionise and help costumers lives. With projects like this and others developed by the other teams, it is safe to say that this master's degree is getting the level of recognition it truthfully deserves.

Let's keep up with great projects just like this one! Go AI!


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