1. Web Application
With the core of the solution and the back-end that will host it being implemented, it was now time to implement the front-end of the web application, allowing the team to demonstrate how a user would interact with the solution in a real-world scenario.
As the interaction with the solution only really requires the user to specify: (i) the store layout, (ii) date for the plan and (iii) the pandemic context, the user interface also ends up being rather easy to use and to understand.
In the following screenshots, the reader can take a glimpse at what the team implemented for the user interface:
2. Scientific article
This week, having concluded all the chapters in the article, the team proceeded with the writing of the abstract and a few closing remarks to conclude the article, reflecting on the work that was and can be done in this subject.
With the remaining time that the team had by the end of the project, the opportunity was taken to review what was done with the teachers and further improve the article, in order for it to match the level of quality of the project.
3. Demonstrations
The day of the demo being around the corner, the team decided to review the notebooks for the last time, checking for bugs in the implementation of the algorithms, making sure every analysis is set to be well commented on and simple to be understood.
With the demonstrations right around the corner, the team decided to prepare a few scenarios to demonstrate the effectiveness of the solution, by varying the store layout, pandemic context, time of the year, among other factors.
For the technical demonstration, the team felt that it would be a missed opportunity not to cover all of the main topics of interest in the project, so it was decided that even if briefly all the development phases of this project would be presented, all the way from the data pre-processing to the genetic algorithms and web application.
For Demo Day, the team received some feedback and improvement suggestions by professor Carlos Ramos, based on the previous Demo Day and the presentation delivered in the previous day.
Having implemented the suggested improvements, the team went on to provide a very positive pitch at Demo Day, showcasing one of ten very interesting projects that were produced in the last 8 weeks. It was trully a celebration and a moment of recognition of the fantastic work from all teams.
Despite that, not everything was perfect, and the team will certainly make further improvements to the way the demonstrations are approached, in order to better transmit the ideas and the passion that goes into these projects.
4. Team's Challenge Retrospective
With a challenge of such complexity, it is with great pride and relief that the team looks back on the project, having developed a solution that is not only effective as it is, but has the potential to grow into something special, that every retail company in the world would see as a must have tool in their merchandising departments.
The feedback received from the professors was very positive, with some of them even mentioning that the publication of a scientific article on this subject would be a great opportunity for the team. It is something that will definitely be considered.
It is also very positive to see how the team managed to maintain or push even further the level of quality of the project when compared to the prior one. It is really a testament to this team's quality and spirit, always reflecting our vision of bringing the most innovative AI solutions to every store around the world.
Regarding the master's degree, this challenge demonstrated the quality of the professors, the students and the knowledge that is transmitted during the classes, having produced 10 brilliant projects that will hopefully push the recognition of this course even further, as it truthfully deserves.
Now, onto the exams the team goes, with a very well deserved period of vacation afterwards, so the batteries can be recharged for the next set of challenges.
Until then, stay tuned, as we will continue to revolutionise your retail experience.
5. Individual Challenge Retrospectives
Eduardo Silva
It is impossible to reach the end of a project with such magnitude and not be proud of the passion and effort demonstrated by the team during its development.
Despite having developed an already impressive project in the first challenge, the team showed great will and ambition to do better and deliver a final product that retail companies around the world would love to possess in their toolkit.
For the next set of challenges, I hope the team maintains this spirit of always wanting to do more, so we can contribute with another significant project that spreads the good name of this master's degree even further.
Michel Silva
I think the challenge was very interesting, the team was very committed to achieving the goals in the best possible way.
Personally speaking, I believe that time versus the way of learning is not the best approach my opinion. We end up deepening knowledge much before the content has been presented by the teachers.
However, that ends up making us go after more information on a certain subject. Therefore, it also allows us to work on other aspects within the team, seeking new knowledge as the need arises.
Miguel Costa
In the end, I think this challenge was very promising, complete and interesting. Through the realization of this project it was possible to obtain a vast knowledge about the world of AI, so I am very happy with the experience.
Due to the time to carry it out, there are still many aspects that can be studied and improved, making this work even more richer from an academic point of view. Even so, the team was able to respond to all the objectives initially established at the beginning of the challenge.
With this project finished, now it's time to think about the next one and work as necessary to obtain the same good results.
Rui Oliveira
Eventhought the time at team disposal was slightly short, it can be sad that was well used. The team agrees that was showned the ambition and the enthusiasm about the topic.
All in all every decision was made accordingly to the time at disposal, but the team recognises that other adjustments can be made, new upgrades, if it is good to say, for this project to integrate the world of retail market. Defenitly a great time saving. Time is money!
Following the same pace as these projects, i sincerely trust in a continuous evolution and enhance of new an innovative ideas, in order to contribute to this master's to greater recognition.