1. Interviewing the Experts
This week, it was time to begin the development of the project, starting with the expert interviews that will allow the team to gather the necessary knowledge base.
The team started by settling the knowledge that should be obtained in this week's interview. For the first interview, it was important to present the project to the experts and obtain more general knowledge, such as the retail sector and the most important metrics to consider.
By the end of the interview, the team crossed each expert's insight, obtaining the following knowledge:
Retail Sector/Store
The experts believe that above anything else, the team should choose a retail sector/store with a more specific domain (e.g. clothes store) and where it makes sense for clients to be unsatisfied and leave for competitors (e.g. stores that are frequently visited). As such, the team settled on Fashion E-Commerce for the project's development.
Client Information/Metrics
When it came to client information/metrics, both experts agreed that personal data should be kept to a minimum, as it is only really important when tracing the person's profile, but besides that, both of them gave different insights.
On the one hand, Diogo believed that the team should collect data from phase from the client's usage of the platform: Discovery (of the Products), Checkout and Post Purchase. On the other hand, Tiago believed that the best insight on a client's satisfaction is his direct input, through satisfaction surveys.
By crossing these insights, the team settled with the following groups of client information/metrics:
Personal Data: Age, Gender, Country;
Discovery Phase: No. Abandoned Baskets, Average Session Time, etc;
Checkout Phase: Checkout Conversion Rate, Abandonment Rate (in each step), etc;
Post Purchase Phase: No. Returns, Lead Time, etc;
Satisfaction Survey Results: Satisfied with the service?, Satisfied with the delivery times?, etc;
In the following week's interviews, having defined the retail sector and client metrics, it will be important to analyse the experts' thought process when determining a client's degree of satisfaction and which action plan to choose in case he/she is unsatisfied.
2. Developing the Data Management Module
Although the interviews were the main priority this week, the team decided to start working in the Data Management Module which will later allow the entire web application, including the expert systems, to access/insert/modify client and user data, which, in turn, will allow the customer satisfaction diagnosis to take place.
The team decided to develop the module in a technology stack comprising of: Node.js, TypeScript and Express.js, among other technologies. Furthermore, the module is connected with a MongoDB database through the Mongoose library.
At the moment, the module is up and running, complete with User/Auth functionalities and ready for Client related functionalities to be implemented, but only after deciding with the expert which metrics will be taken into account by the expert system.
3. Week Retrospective
In retrospective, the past week was very productive, with every goal for the week being attained, allowing the team to start the project's development in the best way possible.
Next week, more interviews will be done with the experts, allowing the team to improve the obtained knowledge even further, which will then be presented in the Knowledge Engineering's report and presentation.